Family House
at mariat pante

Intimpura street,
klasuluk, mariat district, sorong regency, west papua

Area : 150 m2

year : 2023

Photographs : Author

Minimalist Nature

– Garage / Carport (4 x 8)

– Terrace (3 x 1.6)

– 2 Bedroom (3 x 3)

– Guest Room (3 x 5)

– Dining Room (3 x 4.5)

– Kitchen (3 x 3)

– Bathroom (1.5 x 1.5)

– Bathroom & Laundry (2 x 4.5)

2nd Floor ( Tandon & Open Space) 41 m2

Interior Space planning


Sitting room

Sitting room connected to the bedrooms with simple setting

Dining room & Kitchen

dining room and kitchen with the use of light colors and ornamental plants.

The use of decorative stairs and shelves as a divider between the interior room on the right as the dining room and kitchen and the part on the left for the bathroom, laundry and room leading to the garage.

The 2nd floor is made semi-permanent using wood and is used as a place to relax and place reservoirs for daily water use.

Kompleks Harapan indah,
Melati 07 street, sorong city,
southwest papua